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Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh, A Miracle

Refers to Michelle's sudden urge to post P:

Today, I felt like doing a little field research at the local supermarket. I've got some juicy plans for the upcoming post, so stay tuned, well, if you want to that is :D

Well, of to Jusco, whom I think really deserves a certain degree of recognition as well, since... Their food is as affordable as Giant's but much healthier and of better quality. Giant is undoubtedly much nearer to the college but man, I feel sick just by looking at the mixed~... uh. Eheh.

Ok, maybe I shouldn't be comparing. But either way, I just want to feature these fabulous croquettes only exclusive to Jusco mmmm...

YESSS... Croquette.. Their food supermarket is near Popular,
but one floor down haha. You shouldn't miss i if you're on
your way to Subway from the cinema's direction.

Lots of other nice delish Jap food. Did I ever mention that
Jusco is a Japanese company? Lololololololololololololol.

Their food are generally good. But avoid purchasing after 5pm
or so. Their heater works wonders, but only up till a certain
duration. So if you want the good stuff, get them earlier.
Best ones are usually served around 10am in the morning mm.
But getting them around lunctime is never too late. Latest by
3 pm I guess. After that, well it's your choice haha.

I tried some cheap sushi lol. And miraculously, I didn't puke.
Like I said before, Jusco makes quality food even though
their prices may not seem very convincing. But if you could
just stare at the look of those mouth-watering decor, I'm telling
you, the price won't even mean anything anymore. They just
taste as good as they look :D:D:D:D:D

Yay, MY croquette... Got mine just nice. The cheese inside was
still creamishly molten and warm. Not too hot to eat at all. I
got mine the last time a little too hot and the molten cheese
almost smolder my tongue. Period. But I never regretted that
moment of pain. It tasted the best at that particular moment.
And man, the crust is just so fun to bite. It's crunchy and...
and... and... GOLDEN BROWN!

Man, first it was Rotiboy, now Each a Cup? Pyramid is certainly
catering with Yee Xian's craving needs to date. I mean, she's been
addicted to the taste of Rotiboy's ever since I introduced it to her,
and she totally adores Each a Cup. I think. Well, she intro'd that
to me when we were at Pasar Seni? It was so-so for me, but if it makes
her happy, whuddaheck y'know. We only took 3 cups after all. Wait,
we took 3 cups? Lol. Their drinks costs around RM4 a pop though. I
recall the cheapest being around RM3 and highest around RM7. Where
is this place? Go to the money changer at the lowest floor. If you've seen
the place with the carousel (merry-go-round), you've got the right place.
it's also just across that... uh, whatever fruit house.

And just for your info, I went field studying because I was just thinking that since most of all the readers to date that I know are probably students who either want to save money or live in a rented space of seclusion, I wanted to help them ease up with their own budget further. Some people can't afford to spend RM5 a day for lunch. Worse for people who also spend another RM5 for dinner D:

So if you tenant/landlord allows you to cook, I suggest that you make full advantage of it? There's a whole list of things that can last you for a whole week, and it won't cost you more than RM30. And I'm talking for both lunch and dinner, not just lunch. It might even last you more than a week, which in turn will incur more savings for you, and me as well. Sorraeh, lets just say I don't do things that won't benefit myself LOL. Jajajaja. But whatever right? I'm still sharing insider info in the end.

My lecturer did tell me after all, that if all artist strive to be the best of their own and disregard the art community around him/her, artists will never grow together, and there'd always be only one individual who's great, and others who aren't as great. So SHARE! :D

Ok, I'm hungry now. 
Mom cooked mihoon. 
Wahahah. Bye.


hi. this is michelle here. yes, i am indeed taking my own sweet time.
this is what we did, according to Osla Chan. It has been AGESSS.
thank you, i know. LOL.
anyhow, I am here to launch our Ask-Oout.
This is the place, come here or not I will kill you.
thank you.
come and eat with us. have some fun with us, if not me, trust me, you'll have fun with Osla.

i guess you guys know NEOKEE??

not really a dessert house but it's nice,
they have generous portions and are easy on the pocket!

WHAT DO THEY HAVE? they have the chap fan style, which is mixed rice.
they also have menu, where you still can select food with no worries.
personally, i prefer the mixed rice as it is really fun and it feasts up your appetite.
i get to take how much i'd like the portion to be and any of the diverse selections!

the veggies look so FRESHHH!

these are the fried stuffs selections! who doesn't like crispy noms???

giving you guys a sense of how the shop looks like =D

after making you selection, you can kindly proceed to the
adorable boss at the counter and pay for your food.
at the same time, you can order your drinks there,
pick your fork and spoon and your tisssssueeeeeee!

michelle and osla, we, the food zombehs?

he was vibrating in excitement towards his own FOODDD!


i like mine with generous portions of the dishes and little rice.
i normally drown it all down with iced soy bean milk!
it only cost me RM6! so what are you waiting for???

come and join us on our very next ask-ooutt!
it is located right next to vision art, peeps!!!!!

VENUE: Neo Kee Dessert House
DATE: Tuesday, 1st of Feb 2011
TIME: 0100 to whenever you're done!

it is okay if you do not know where, just leave your name at the comment box.
leave your questions and we will come to your assistance~~
you can even find us on FB!

p/s: special thanks to Michael Huang and Haritz!
they were the photographer of the day.
So any other photographers that are interested, you can come out tuesday and have some fun with us ^^

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Michelle sure is taking her own sweet time.

And no, this is not an Ask-Ouuutttt update. However askout is spelled.
Well, since we're all about food, I guess it won't do any harm to inform you that...


Dude, this place is really not getting the attention it deserves for their heavenly buns. Like SERIOUSLY. Their buns are so awesome if you never tried them before, you've never enjoyed true awesomeness in the comforts of your own mouth!

Yes, it's no illusion. Just go down to the floor where McD's is, head towards Marrakesh and find a square table in the middle of the pathway. You'd the the store there I believe. Well, just for markers' sake, just look for O'Brien's, Carl's Junior and some fruit shop. If you walked passed all of them. you'd surely find it. And... its before Ayam Penyet. If you do find yourself at Ayam Penyet, you've either gone too far or you came from the wrong direction.

I'm glad to say that they aren't affected by the godforsaken taxes imposed in all premises within Sunway and they buns are at a flat cost of RM2 each. And much to my surprise, they have some sorta themed cafe inside their store as well. Are they planning to franchise into a food chain like Old Town? Well, only time will tell.

And also, I found that my phone can record scenes of the real world! With 2MP of course... So if you're up for some cheap low res videos, lol, heck, I'm the guy wahahahaha.

This is Osla reporting, in hopes that it'd help trigger my *ahem* partner to start posting. But I can't blame her though, she's just so great at managing her own workload. Ohohohohohoh.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Launching an ASK-OOUT!

HELLO! This is MICHELLE yo! This is my first time posting a blog here.
I wanted to do it last night but something came up and my posting failed.
LOL~ Sorry, Osla. Yeh, yeh. No excuses but shit happens.

Straight to the point. I have a few things I need to announce.
I am bringing you guys an ASK-OOUT!
What's an ASK-OOUT!?
Well, it is actually just a more youthful, informal way of us INVITING you guys for nomz time.
psstt. . Osla doesn't know about this but he does know we have an event coming up. HAHA~

Worry not, we will stuff you with informations about the ASK-OOUT! on the following post!
I already written the post but it is our first ever ASK-OOUT!, I want Osla to write in as well.
aaaaaaaaaaand still have many things to put in for the comfort of you, readers!

Till then, check us the Food Zombehs out!

find us the food zombehs, for an awesomuch with nomzsters at...
the comment box and facebook. =DDDD
Osla Chan

Michelle S

with kisses, <3

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