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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fancy Choc Dips Anyone?

This is supposed to be history since it was supposedly like done on the 23rd of April, my birthday as most of you wouldn't really bother knowing since it's a pretty insignificant date compared to April Fool's Day, which is the birth date of someone very important to me.

No, I was joking about not joking.

Doesn't matter if you don't understand nuts. What you need to know here is that all the chocs are just whatever you like be it Hershey's Cadbury's Choki2, you name it buddy. Just melt them altogether in a pot not with direct heat since you'd end up burning your precious molten lava of smelty chocolatey goodness if you did.

Don't know how? Ok, find a BIG POT. Then find a small bowl. Fill the BIG POT wit water and put all the chocolcate you wish molten in the small bowl. Put the small bowl filled with choc into the BIG POT, then put the BIG POT onto the stpve and wait for it to melt. And no, don't cover it. You wouldn't want diluted choc. Trust me. But if you really need to add any liquid, please for the love of God or any other mighty entity, just try milk. FULL CREAM. Why? Oh, it's good for you.

Who made this dish for me again? Well, it's my sis of course. I was surprised that she even did something like this for me hahaha. Well, our relationship wasn't great from the beginning, but I guess being adults now help to keep the past behind us eh? Family ties just rock sometimes. Heh.

Don't worry about the dipping. Anything tastes good in molten choc. Trust me. I tried chocholate chicken before. It tastes exactly like chocolate. Only that it's chicken!

And that's pretty much it?
P/S, my sis used Cadbury's....
and used  marshmallows, Rawst berries and  apples.


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